This looks like a job for..
An arcade mover dude! I posted to the book-of-faces and the village and the four corners of the tubes that make up the internet. Bob Cunningham wasn't going to be in the area. Greywolf not coming down the panhandle anytime soon. Pinballs on the Move, no answer...
Mover Dude
In the end, this isn't a complaint nor a recommendation but at this time I don't really want to publicly influence some guys' livelihood. I might use him again in the future. Spoiler alert: The game made it and I'm happy.. There.. were .. bumps along the way, though. So, for now and for purposes of this post, we'll call him Mover Dude.
Eventually, I found said dude and after reviewing some of his history and talking to him he agreed that he would be able to work my pick up in for $320. I pulled the proverbial trigger. After a few promising SMS and Facebook Messenger exchanges I had a decent level of confidence that I the right guy. Sort of like w/ Bob, you can follow the guy's check-ins on Facebook and get a general idea of his route and location.
Around dinner-time one evening, I received a missed call and an iMessage photo of a black-painted stick of wood from the seller. I knew the delivery dude was in Tampa but I didn't know that the move was in progress. The photo, below - had no caption and set my spidey senses tingling.