Scared Stiff Sling Plastics… They are getting to be rare finds. The last set I found (and won) on eBay, they told they couldn’t mail to the US because of COVID-19. (?) Something I’ve been wanting to do for awhile is to devise a way to make more. Not like.. to sell or anything but just to have and help others along the way…
Granted, probably the solution involves making a mold.. But I’m the kind of guy that uses racing drones to cut down trees, so you know.. I went down a nerdier path..
3D Printing as a Vector for Replacement Parts
3D Printing has come along way in terms of available materials. The challenge comes from getting a usable 3D model. I’m a reasonably capable novice for modeling and CAD but trying to model something with lots of detail and contours is a real challenge in the CAD apps that I’ve used.
Attempting to get a 3D Scan..
My first thought was to try to use the new LiDAR camera stack in the 2020 iPad Pro.
via LiDAR scan
SOL 3D Scanner by ScanDimension
3D Print / STL Files can be found at this Dropbox Link.