December was Awesome - Happy New Year! — Arcade Shenanigans

December was Awesome - Happy New Year!

December was a fun month for my arcade and pinball collecting shenanigans..   I took advantage of some time away from being a programmer @ work to being a nerd @ heart. :)

Star Wars AND Pinball in the Same Month?  Yes, Please!

We hosted our local pinball and arcade group in December.   It was nice to get to hang out with friends and just play.

Gulf Coast Pinball and Arcade - December Meet-up Good turnout to our December 2015 meet - up: 15 or so pinball and arcade gaming enthusiasts..

We also added a game to the mix, kind of a complicated story but suffice-to-say a Wizard of Oz pin from Jersey Jack Pinball now occupies our space.  We are stoked!




As you probably know.. One of my passions aside from technology and photography, is pinball. (and arcade stuff in general) (More stuff on that here: I recently came into a game with the most incredible lightshows, and I wanted to share it with you.

WoZ has been out for awhile, I'm a bit of a latecomer to this game but I like that every time some tech blogger heralds that "Pinball is Dead or Dying" some awesome local American company pops up and shows otherwise.   Between Stern Pinball's release cycle of popular culture licensed titles and Jersey Jack's innovation and focus on a polished end-project: It looks like Pinball is very much alive.

During the break from work we tried our hand at Broadcasting pinball games on Twitch, which has been educational and interesting.   Should come in handy for recording tournament matches in 2016.

Coming into the New Year, I've decided to let my Tron Pinball game find a new home.   

We'd gotten it in a series of trades and I modded the crap out of it. In the end, though I think I had more fun working on it than playing it.   Best to get something in to play to put in it's spot.  I have some good ideas on that.. :)

Anyway, I hope your New Year is excellent.  Looking forward to 2016!
