Something I’ve been wanting to do for awhile is bump up our Retro Console situation. Last year I added a freebie 19” CRT and some multi-carts. Since then I’ve had my eye out for a Sony Trinitron of the 27” variety.
Watching the usual for-sale ads typically put them just out of reasonable reach at about 125 miles distance aside from a few local eBay scalpers that buy them them list at a premium.
In some down time following Hurricane Sally I found a seller on eBay that seemed to have experience shipping heavy things…
Ultimately shipping cost more than the TV but he did a great job of packaging it for the long trip to our front door.
I’m super stoked that I pulled away from the idea of a larger 34” version as I think that would have been too large for my use case. The 27” and a slightly reinforced corner table from Amazon is definitely increasing our retro console time! Hoping to get some R&R soon to take a break and enjoy it more.
I did at least get to beat my former high score on Nintendo World Championship 1990